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Can an African-American led group reduplicate the "Black Wall Street" phenomena on a much grander scale?



The Diaspora Republic of Africa will lean heavily on support from UGKA participating nations to become a reality. The proposed initiative will provide African-Americans international autonomy for the first time in more than 400 years.

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By Jarius Eddleton Jr.

Staff Writer - Global Reference News

                                                             PART I

Could African-Americans self govern if they had to? If tomorrow a directive were released from the White House that mandated an ultimate segregation and relocation of all the nation's African-American persons to a specific portion of the country where they would have to provide their own defense, treasury, economy and infrastructure would they be able to perform? Would such a black state emerge as an independent superpower like the Black Wall Street of old, Buckhead, Baldwin Hills or would it succumb to the plight of said areas like the Southside of Chicago, Detroit or Watts? Though it does sound like a ridiculous hypothetical scenario of a black separative state and very unlikely, this could however be a reality but with a few exceptions.

When discussing the possibility of a scenario like the one just mentioned, what often comes up in the conversation is LIBERIA, we're all familiar with the partial African-American start up nation that shipped freed slaves back to the West Coast of Africa in the 1800's. The black candidates selected by the American Colonization Society (A Quaker organization that funded the project) for the voyage, eventually found themselves battling the natives of the land and eventually subjugating them in the like manner they themselves had been victimized as Negroes in America. After establishing a government and a few colonies named after American states such as Mississippi, Maryland and Kentucky, the Afro-American led republic moved into the 20th century with a lot of promise. Despite their elitist ideals, instituted caste system and nepotism to restrict the indigenous African peoples from having any type of positions of authority, the Republic itself had notable highs as they welcomed foreign business, made international allies  and had access to foreign capital which would in turn allow them to stimulate their economy and focus on producing natural resources to keep the nation competitive. The lows however seemed to be the most consistent as the Republic suffered a currency collapse and became prisoner to high interest loans from outside governments. The nation would eventually see their most profitable relationships sour due to their stance during World War I followed by being an an ally for hire during WWII and the Cold War just to keep the nation funded. In 1980 Liberia itself became rogue against its own government which led to their then President William Tolbert publicly executing protestors challenging the government's raise in the cost of goods, this followed by response rioting and a coup d'etat that in the end got William Tolbert and anyone aligned with him killed. For the first time in 133 years the indigenous inhabitants of Liberia would seize authority over the land, however in 1989 Charles Taylor a politician with American lineage would go on a quest for power. During Taylor's watch the nation would suffer 3 wars, two civil and one in Sierra Leone. Taylor himself would subsequently be hailed as a war criminal for his acts of carnage during the Sierra Leone War, disappear to escape being convicted by an international court, get captured and sentenced to 50 years in prison. Liberia as of today is amongst one of the poorest African nations and nations internationally with  an estimated 3 billion dollar GDP hardly sustainable considering the current competitive world condition.

BLACK WALL STREET is primarily mentioned in reference to the Greenwood District and the Tulsa race riots and massacre of 1921. Greenwood was a black self-sustained community that because of Jim Crow (laws that forbade blacks from engaging in common society) was inspired to create their own segregated economy. During the Black Wall Street era, this district of Tulsa managed to establish their own transportation systems, entertainment hubs, nightlife, commodities and resources, institute their own municipal representatives as well as have a considerable presence in the policing. On its way to being a national leader in commerce, the town was said to be "oil rich" in a city morally broke. White mobs of Tulsa eventually sacked and burned the community while attempting to lynch a black man they claimed assaulted a white woman in an elevator. Rosewood, another segregated black town in Florida met a similar fate around about the same time when white mobs also destroyed their community claiming a black man had assaulted a white woman as well. Today, within the United States there are many prominent majority black neighborhoods thriving but they are hardly as independent or self sustaining as the segregated towns to make headlines more than 100 years ago, on the other end of the spectrum, many U.S black towns and or neighborhoods are participants of some of the nation's most egregious crime and degeneracy statistics. So could an all Black-American autonomous state completely independent of American benefits, supervision and interference launch and sustain? One group seems to think its possible but it can't be done on American soil they say, this group is fully aware of the conditions facing the black experience in America and to fix it complete autonomy is paramount. "We have to have complete authority and latitude to handle our people and correct the decadence Western society has allowed to develop within the black community: fatherless homes, drug infestation, gang violence, senseless murder, whoring of our women with no shame, disrespect of the elders, perverted agendas fed to our children on a regular basis, these are the things we are restricted from correcting here in America."

I have had the pleasure of discussing what the group calls SAC1-1a an Agenda 26 push to found a Diaspora State for Black Americans and their families on the continent of Africa by 2026, key amongst the elements for constructing the state I found most intriguing was the decisive plan for preventing another Liberia-type scenario and unlike their predecessors, their plan to incorporate continental Africans into the authority and functional structure of the governing system.

The proposed flag for SAC1-1a: The Diaspora Republic of Africa, the first African diaspora state plan since Liberia.

LaVell Walton is a Seattle Washington native, entrepreneur and hip-hop artist. The 43 year old father of two is also serving his first term as President and Advocate Director of the Pan-African organization the United Global Kingdoms of Africa, the group was started in the year 2021 and is geared toward helping other African-Americans and African diaspora around the world connect with their roots and repatriate back to Africa, they also host tours and participate in humanitarian outreach activities. President Walton understands the organization's value in being diaspora led: "I noticed that most black Americans are a bit reluctant when it comes to dealing with anything concerning Africa. Between what the mainstream media presents, You Tube videos and the infamous 'Princes of Nigeria' the look is not so good. There are some people that have been taken advantage of just because the locals [on the continent] know they are visiting from the West." When investigating the history of the UGKA, I was surprised to see that there had been an immense regime rinse. Since Walton's appointment, the majority of the officiating roles are now manned by diaspora in huge contrast to the prior roster where it involved no diaspora. The psychology behind it according to Walton was that "people tend to gravitate to individuals they have the most in common with." He also added that having a diaspora led cabinet was strategic in his campaign to reconnect Diaspora back to the continent, further he feels that the plight of the black American will be an ongoing one because the true solution will have to be autonomy. Walton's vision of an establishment created specifically for diaspora is a shared one, in an interview with UGKA state observer Benjamin Abana, I was able to get more insight on SAC1-1a. "The organization agrees with constructing a Diaspora State and has made this priority for our Agenda 26 plan. We came to this consensus because we understand that what we're fighting for in America will not and can not become a reality because if it does it would seize the engine of the American vehicle." I asked him to elaborate. "Our country functions on the passivity of crime, our music, culture and media commercializes crime and that's what keeps people employed. However, people suffer because there is a leniency on bad behavior. We want reparations, we want equality, us here in this organization we want safe places to raise our children without the threat of being victim to lawlessness, that's not possible here in America, these days no where is safe." The group's culture for the diaspora state will be biblically based abiding by the main tenants of the 10 commandments but will not regard one religion above another: "We have brothers and sisters of various faiths, we want them to be able to have a home in this new state. Brothers are Christian, some Israelites, some are Nation of Islam, some regard the traditional African ways of worship, everybody will have a place." When I questioned him on how inclusive will the new state be as far as what will and will not be permitted: "There are certain activities and lifestyles that will not be allowed, what we're attempting to do is reset the black community before it was overtaken by thot culture, perversion, murder culture, single mother culture, the drug era, non natural relationships and Godlessness. The black community is presently engaging in practices we as a people historically never had a part in and shamed and it's destroying us as a people." The foundations of SAC1-1a are cemented in a subjective belief system, this will either serve as an attraction or deterrent to a black diaspora vastly different culturally than their predecessors. In Part 2 of this series we expound more on our interview with UGKA staff members responsible for handling SAC1-1a and weigh in on the obstacles this project might face. We will also ponder why a diaspora state may or may not be the best option for African-Americans looking to put to bed the injustices they face and if this project is the ultimate solution to the decades old reparations barrier.

Jarius Eddleton Jr. is contracted for UGKA Reports from Global Reference News

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